Monday, October 18, 2010

RFP for Cafeteria under investagation?

Yes thats a picture of a full lunch served in our school district!!! A few notes while wondering at what point you put the word gate at the end of the food service drama and call it Nutritiangate. Allegedly the RFP was written by Nutritian Inc. that Trinity used to request vendors, well now this has been reported so stay tuned for further insight. Why did we wait until August to do the request anyway, when we informed the food service director in May? Is it true that Nutritian Inc. asked for and received from Paul Kasunich, free and reduced lunch list at least two weeks prior to being hired as a consultant? Do we really store the food for Washington School Districts Food Service at Trinity East? How do you know what inventory you are using? Did Washington School District really come to the Middle School and borrow products like coffee, is that legal? Did all the vendors have the same process to become our school districts food service provider? Are there snow days built in the RFP or do we pay for snow days? Did 12 school districts not renew with Nutritian Inc. and why? What happened with the billing and gift cards at Brownsville? The real question is WHY, whats behind the URGENCY, is there more to the story?
Speaking of a nepotism policy what about homecoming candidates?
It is not possible the hours you travel to and from work as an administrator count as work hours?
Did we play a sixth grade girls in a middle school soccer match thus eliminating their senior year eligibility? If so did we report this violation or did we sweep another one under the rug? Be careful people take videos and pictures of matches, so make sure we do the right thing.Are we ever going to hire an assistant principal at the high school and what is the secret hiring process we now employ for administrators?

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