Monday, September 20, 2010


The elite eight strikes again with the choice of Nutrition Inc as our cafeteria supervisor in place of our former manager who from all accounts except for one BOARD member who got mad at him in her Trinity West days. This fine company who managed the cafeteria at Ringgold had a manager who advised employees on how to cheat on their applications to receive free and reduced lunch. He himself claimed his dog as his dependent. The only winner on the free reduced lunch scam, you guessed it Nutrition Inc. who submits to the government for reimbursement! Nice choice by the education minded not many of us have a college degree Elite Eight.
This one is better, a Trinity Area Athletic Team under advisement by new Athletic Director Bobby Jones played students who don't go to Trinity on a Trinity Team. I don't know what the penalty is but this obviously is not legal and I am sure we will read more about this in the local sports section soon.
Scott Day now helps with Cross Country he was seen helping again with Bobby Jones as the Unoffical Assistant Athletic Director today.
Remember these words "hockey tickets" you will here much more soon. It can't be possible that a school official used a school vehicle for personal use can it!
Thats all fokes I have open house tomorrow at the high school I am sure I will see some of the Elite Eight at the open house. Plenty of snacks should remain from the 9/11 festival.


  1. This is only the beginning of the D-Day Bobby Jones era. What do really expect when you hire someone with absolutely no qualifications?! He will ruin Trinity athletics as his inadequacies become more apparent to both himself and the district.

  2. In Executive Session, the following may be discussed:
    a. Employment issues.
    b. Labor relations.
    c. Purchase or lease of real estate.
    d. Consultation with an attorney or other professional advisor regarding potential
    litigation or identifiable complaints that may lead to litigation.
    e. Matters that must be conducted in private to protect a lawful privilege or

    So can the Superintendent explain why he doesn't want the Assistant Superintendent present? What's there to hide?

  3. How is it that we cannot have any administrators coaching any sport but school board members can coach whatever they please? And I would like to know how one of our board members was seen driving a truck for Washington School District during a recent parade and he is on the Trinity School Board? Sound strange to me. And finally, I guess Mr. Day does not have a business to run anymore if he is always in the office of Mr. Bobby Jones??

  4. According to Policy 710.

    The Board specifically prohibits personal use of district telephones; personal use of
    materials, tools, supplies and equipment; and personal use of district vehicles.

    District facilities and equipment are available for staff use only if in accordance with
    provisions of an applicable collective bargaining agreement.
