Sunday, July 11, 2010

Really Now?

Allegedly the following things have occured:

1. At least two members of the BOARD have filed lawsuits against tax payers and parents of Trinity students.

2. Judy Panasik also filed lawsuit against a parent, she is the women who films the BOARD meetings and hangs out with the Board members. [is she employed anywhere?]

3. Attorney fees since January are growing and growing as soon as I get the paperwork I will tell you the exact amount.

4. Trinity Math replace Jim Tucker first year teacher making approx 40,000 a year with Ed Dalton making 80,000 a year and Ed will always be about 40,000 ahead of him for 15 years until Tucker would have reached max salary. Cost to District 600,000 over 15 years smart!

5. One of our group has the details of both Mr. McWreath's and Mr. Keisling's final salary, retirement incentive, and benefit package, we will publish as soon as it is available to us.

1 comment:

  1. Really? Who is sueing and for what reasons? If these people can not handle the decisions that they have made, maybe they should not be making them, or better yet maybe they should just quit!

    Who is this Judy Panaisk? What has she ever done but get fired from the Claysville rag? What are her stakes her besides being a problem?

    These people with their own agendas are running our district into the ground. They have forgotten this is about the kids first, taxpayers second, and everyone else falls into place after that. These issues would be laughable if it was not our own district!
